Recovery Services
Arisa Health Recovery at Mills
3204 E Moore Avenue, Searcy, AR 72143

Arisa Health Recovery at Mills is a residential substance use treatment center that provides:
- A Whole Health treatment approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of residents
- Residential substance use treatment with 40 beds
- Services are provided for both male and females ages 18 and over
- 28 - 35 day program
- A structured environment that promotes recovery and stability
- Services that are planned to meet individual needs
- Group and individual activities
- Knowledge, resources and skills to manage substance use
- A safe and secure environment
- A positive, professional staff
- Federal/State Contract
- Private Insurance
- Self Pay
It's easy. Just give us a call at 1-800-592-9503 and our Arisa Health Associate will walk you through the evaluation process.
Staffed by...
People who want you to succeed and return home with the new resources you will need for a stable happier life. Associates are certified alcohol and drug counselors, counselors in training and professional mental health therapists.