Client Information
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Your Rights as a Person Served
Client Rights and Responsibilities (R&R's)
Client Rights and Responsibilities
Your Rights:
- To have informed consent and expression of choice regarding: service delivery, release of information, concurrent services, and the composition of the service delivery team.
- To refuse certain treatment or medicine unless required by law to receive it.
- To receive care that respects personal dignity, cultural and personal values, beliefs, and privacy.
- To receive treatment based on individual characteristics, needs, abilities, and preferences regardless of your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, or disability.
- To have information about your treatment kept confidential with the limits of the law. This includes what is said to staff members and what is recorded in your medical record.
- To receive care that is needed, if available.
- To know the name and qualifications of the staff member(s) who are helping.
- To know why treatment is changed from one staff person to another.
- To know why a referral to a new program is made.
- To understand why a referral away from Arisa Health is needed.
- To access your health record and pertinent health information in sufficient time to facilitate your decision making.
- To request an amendment to your health information.
- To obtain information on disclosures of your health information.
- To be told about:
- Treatment and any rules that must be followed, including privacy rights, use of crisis procedures, seclusion, restraint, special treatment interventions, and/or restrictions of rights (and reinstatement of those rights).
- Discharge plans.
- Treatment choices when they are available.
- Risks and benefits of the treatment that seems best.
- Risks, benefits, and side effects of medicine.
- When a law requires a staff member to recommend treatment that is not requested or wanted.
- Professional standards that require changes in the treatment plan.
- The cost of treatment and if there are other ways to pay for treatment.
- Service limits.
- To have information presented in way that is clear and understandable to you. This includes translation services as necessary and communication needs of those with vision, speech, hearing, language, and cognitive impairments.
- To help decide what treatment is needed. For clients under the age of 18, a family member or legal guardian will be asked to help.
- To be informed if treatment is tape recorded, videotaped, or observed.
- To give or withhold written consent if treatment is recorded.
- To have the right to ask for a second opinion at your own expense.
- To have a surrogate decision-maker involved in your care decisions.
- To ask for treatment plan review by staff members of Arisa Health.
- To be involved in research if you want to participate; and agree in writing to participate after you have been told about the research. You will be told about possible risks and benefits. Adherence to research guidelines and ethics will be followed. You have the right to refuse to take part. If you do not participate, it will not change your ability to get treatment from Arisa Health.
- To review rules and regulations of Arisa Health.To ask for help with referrals.
- To be informed about outcomes of care and serious unanticipated events.
- To be free from psychological, physical, sexual and verbal abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including financial), harassment, coercion, and/or intimidation.
- To be free from retaliation and humiliation.
- To access or referral to legal entities for appropriate representation, self-help support services, protective and advocacy services.
- To exercise citizenship privileges including arrangements to vote (foster and residential care).
- To an investigation and resolution of alleged infringement of rights.
- If you have a concern or complaint that cannot be resolved at the level of care you are in, please contact the client advocate in your area.
Your Responsibilities:
- Taking an active role in the outcome of your care. This is done in part by providing, to the best of the your ability, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to psychiatric health; reporting unexpected changes in your condition to the responsible practitioner; reporting whether you comprehend a contemplated course of action and what is expected; actively developing and participating in your plan of care; and complying with use of medication as prescribed.
- Participate in the development of and follow agreed upon treatment plan.
- Keeping appointments and notifying the responsible practitioner when you are unable to do so.
- Assuring that the financial obligations of care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
- Following applicable policies affecting your care and conduct.
- Being considerate of the rights of others and for assisting in the control of noise, smoking, and number of visitors.
- Being respectful of the property of other persons and of Arisa Health.
Refusing or not following approved treatment may result in a notice to terminate the relationship between the client and the client’s treatment team.
Pre-School Aged Children (R&R's)
School Aged Children (R&R's)
Substance Use Disorder Services (R&R's)
Medical Records can be requested here:

Arisa Health is a participant in the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange (SHARE). SHARE is part of the Arkansas Health Information Exchange (HIE). As a participating facility, your health information will be made available to your participating health care providers unless you opt out.
For more information, please click on the patient information link below or visit the SHARE website at If you have any questions please check with your treatment provider.
For more information, please click on the patient information link below or visit the SHARE website at If you have any questions please check with your treatment provider.